Authored by Tony Feng
Created on April 9th, 2022
Last Modified on April 9th, 2022
Understanding Greedy Search
- A greedy algorithm is an approach for solving a problem by selecting the best option available at the moment.
- It works in a top-down approach. It doesn’t guarantee whether the current best result will bring the overall optimal result.
- We can determine if the algorithm can be used with any problem if the problem has the following properties:
- Greedy Choice Property
- Optimal Substructure
- Advantages of Greedy Approach
- The algorithm is easier to describe.
- Drawback of Greedy Approach
- The greedy algorithm doesn’t always produce the optimal solution.
- The difficult part is that for greedy algorithms you have to work much harder to understand correctness issues.
- Optimization problems (Dijkstra’s Algorithm) with negative graph edges cannot be solved using a greedy algorithm.
- To begin with, the solution set (containing answers) is empty.
- At each step, an item is added to the solution set until a solution is reached.
- If the solution set is feasible, the current item is kept.
- Else, the item is rejected and never considered again.
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