[Comp Linguistics] Grammars and Parsing

Authored by Tony Feng

Created on Nov 18th, 2022

Last Modified on Nov 18th, 2022


This sereis of posts contains a summary of materials and readings from the course CSCI 1460 Computational Linguistics that I’ve taken @ Brown University. The class aims to explore techniques regarding recent advances in NLP with deep learning. I posted these “Notes” (what I’ve learnt) for study and review only.

Formal Grammars


  • Language: set of strings
  • Grammar: set of rewrite rules which define a language
    • $N$: a set of non-terminal symbols (variables)
    • ${\Sigma}$: a set of terminal symbols (disjoint from $N$)
    • $R$: a set of production rules each of the form $A$ -> $B$
    • $S$: a designated start symbol (member of $N$)

Formal Grammar and Automata

  • Grammars and Automata are two ways of modeling the same thing
  • Grammars are used to generate languages
  • Automata are used to recognize languages
  • Regular language
    • $A$ -> $Ba$ (i.e., one NT symbol, always at the beginning or end)
    • It doesn’t work when language requires recursion
    • It can be recognized by an finite-state automaton
  • Context-Free Languages:
    • $A$ -> $a$ (where $a$ can be any mix of terminals and non-terminals)
    • Language can be recognized by a pushdown automaton (an automaton that uses a stack to maintain memory)
    • “context free” because rule can be applied to the nonterminal regardless of its context

Constituency Parsing

Constituency Grammar

  • “Phrase Structure Grammar”
  • Sentences -> Phrases

CKY Parsing

  • Dynamic Programming
  • Basic idea: find a parse for words $i$ through $j$ by combining parses for words $i$ through $k$ with parses for works $k$ through $j$.

Dependency Parsing

Dependency Grammar

  • The goal is to make explicit relationships between words
  • Typically, a verb is at the ROOT
  • The core of the sentence is subject-verb-object
  • Additional clauses/modifiers hang off of these

Shift-Reduce Algorithm

  • Dependency parses are represented as a directed graph with Vertices (V) and Arcs (A)
    • V is roughly the set of words and punctuation
    • It is constrained to be single-rooted trees
  • Shift-Reduce Algorithm
    • Transition-Based Parser
    • Basic idea
      • Progress left to right in the sentence, maintain a stack
      • At each step, either:
        1. assign this word to be the head of previous word,
        2. assign a previously seen word to be the head of this word,
        3. defer decision to a later step
      • Design about 1, 2, or 3 is made by a supervised classifier
    • Three Operations
      • LeftArc: set stack[0] as head of stack[1]; remove stack[1] from stack
      • RightArc: set stack[1] as head of stack[0]; remove stack[0] from stack
      • Shift: Push new word onto stack
    • Precondition: ROOT can’t have a parent

  • Training the Oracle

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