Authored by Tony Feng
Created on Nov 3rd, 2022
Last Modified on Nov 10th, 2022
This sereis of posts contains a summary of materials and readings from the course CSCI 1460 Computational Linguistics that I’ve taken @ Brown University. The class aims to explore techniques regarding recent advances in NLP with deep learning. I posted these “Notes” (what I’ve learnt) for study and review only.
MT Evaluation
Human Evalution
- Explicit ratings for fluency and faithfulness
- Most reliable, but expensive to collect
- New collections are needed for each system
- Can’t be “hill climbed”
Automatic Evaluation
- NLP prefers automatic eval for standardization and optimization.
- Popular metrics for MT: BLEU, ESIM, BLEURT.
- However, once the system is sufficiently good, metrics stop correlating with human judgements.
$$ BLEU=BP \times \exp \left(\frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^{N} \log p_{n}\right) $$
- Assume we have an MT output (Candidate) and are comparing against multiple human-generated translations (Reference).
- Intuition: We should reward models for producing translations that contains lots of the same words/phrases as the references.
$$ p_{n}=\frac{\sum_{c \in \text{cand}} \sum_{ngm \in c} {count_{clip}} (ngm)}{\sum_{c^{\prime} \in \text{cand}} \sum_{ngm^{\prime} \in c^{\prime}} \operatorname{count}\left(ngm^{\prime}\right)} $$
$$ BP = 1 \text{ if } c>r \text{ else } e^{(1-r) / c} \text { if } c \leq r $$
, where $BP$ is brevity precision and $p_n$ is weighted n-gram precision.
Neural MT
Encoder-Decoder Model
- It refers to “sequence to sequence (seq2seq)”.
- Intuition
- “Conditional” text generation/language modeling.
- The output is dependent on some input.
- Examples
- RNN Encoder-Decoder
- Transformer Encoder-Decoder
- Many other models are inspired by this structures
- Encoder-Decoder: Original Transformer Model (Vaswani et al, 2017)
- Encoder-only: BERT and variants (ALBERT, DistilBERT, RoBERTa)
- Decoder-only (i.e., auto-regressive): GPT
Multilingual LM
Cross Lingual Transfer
- Goal: train on one language but work in all languages
- Intuition: if the model learns a good representation, it should be able to map the training it receives in one language to any other language.
- Requirements: unlabeled, monolingual data
- Better transfer for languages that are more typologivally similar and more syntactically similar.
Common Multilingual Models
- mGPT
- NLP度量指标BELU真的完美么?
- 机器翻译自动评估-BLEU算法详解
- 浅谈BLEU评分
- Encoder-Decoder 和 Seq2Seq
- Attention机制
- Attention机制的基本思想与实现原理