Authored by Tony Feng
Created on Aug 26th, 2022
Last Modified on Aug 27th, 2022
Today is my BIRTHDAY!!! Everything has been set up since I arrived in the US. From now on, I am going to spend more time on seeking the 2023 summer internship opportunities. Leetcode provides an official curated list of Top classic interview questions to help us practice, so I decide to focus on it in the following days. Let’s GO GO GO!
Table of Questions
ID | Question | Level | Update Date | Count |
0001 | Two Sum | Easy | 08-26-2022 | 1 |
0002 | Add Two Numbers | Medium | 08-26-2022 | 1 |
0003 | Longest Substring W/O Repeating Characters | Medium | 08-27-2022 | 1 |
0004 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Hard | 08-28-2022 | 1 |
0005 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Medium | 08-29-2022 | 1 |
0007 | Reverse Integer | Medium | 08-30-2022 | 1 |
0008 | String to Integer (atoi) | Medium | 08-30-2022 | 1 |
0010 | Regular Expression Matching | Hard | 08-30-2022 | 1 |
0011 | Container With Most Water | Medium | 08-30-2022 | 1 |
0013 | Roman to Integer | Easy | 08-30-2022 | 1 |
0014 | Longest Common Prefix | Easy | 08-30-2022 | 1 |
0015 | 3Sum | Medium | 08-31-2022 | 1 |
0017 | Letter Combinations of a Phone # | Medium | 08-31-2022 | 1 |
0019 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | Medium | 08-31-2022 | 1 |
0020 | Valid Parentheses | Easy | 08-31-2022 | 1 |
0021 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Easy | 08-31-2022 | 1 |
0022 | Generate Parentheses | Medium | 08-31-2022 | 1 |
0023 | Merge k Sorted Lists | Hard | 09-01-2022 | 1 |
0026 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | Easy | 09-01-2022 | 1 |
0028 | ID of the 1st Occurrence in a String | Medium | 09-02-2022 | 1 |
0026 | Divide Two Integers | Medium | 09-02-2022 | 1 |
0033 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium | 09-02-2022 | 1 |
0034 | Find Edge Positions in Sorted Array | Medium | 09-03-2022 | 1 |
0036 | Valid Sudoku | Medium | 09-03-2022 | 1 |
0038 | Count and Say | Medium | 09-03-2022 | 1 |
0041 | First Missing Positive | Hard | 09-04-2022 | 1 |
0042 | Trapping Rain Water | Hard | 09-04-2022 | 1 |
0044 | Wildcard Matching | Hard | 09-04-2022 | 1 |
0046 | Permutations | Medium | 09-05-2022 | 1 |
0048 | Rotate Image | Medium | 09-05-2022 | 1 |
0049 | Group Anagrams | Medium | 09-05-2022 | 1 |
0050 | Pow(x, n) | Medium | 09-05-2022 | 1 |
0053 | Maximum Subarray | Medium | 09-05-2022 | 1 |
0054 | Spiral Matrix | Medium | 09-05-2022 | 1 |
0055 | Jump Game | Medium | 09-06-2022 | 1 |
0056 | Merge Intervals | Medium | 09-06-2022 | 1 |
0062 | Unique Paths | Medium | 09-06-2022 | 1 |
0066 | Plus One | Medium | 09-06-2022 | 1 |
069 | Sqrt(x) | Medium | 09-06-2022 | 1 |
0070 | Climbing Stairs | Medium | 09-06-2022 | 1 |
0073 | Set Matrix Zeroes | Medium | 09-07-2022 | 1 |
005 | Sort Colors | Medium | 09-07-2022 | 1 |
0076 | Minimum Window Substring | Hard | 09-08-2022 | 1 |
0078 | Subsets | Medium | 09-07-2022 | 1 |
0079 | Word Search | Medium | 09-08-2022 | 1 |
0084 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | Hard | 09-07-2022 | 1 |
0088 | Merge Sorted Array | Medium | 09-08-2022 | 1 |
0091 | Decode Ways | Easy | 09-08-2022 | 1 |
0094 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Medium | 09-08-2022 | 1 |
0098 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Easy | 09-08-2022 | 1 |
0101 | Symmetric Tree | Easy | 09-12-2022 | 1 |
0102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Medium | 09-12-2022 | 1 |
0103 | Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal | Medium | 09-12-2022 | 1 |
0104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy | 09-12-2022 | 1 |
0105 | Construct Binary Tree from Traversal | Medium | 09-12-2022 | 1 |
0108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | Easy | 09-12-2022 | 1 |
0116 | Populating Next Right Pointers | Medium | 09-15-2022 | 1 |
0118 | Pascal’s Triangle | Easy | 09-15-2022 | 1 |
0121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Easy | 09-15-2022 | 1 |
0122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Medium | 09-18-2022 | 1 |
0124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Hard | 09-18-2022 | 1 |
0125 | Valid Palindrome | Easy | 09-18-2022 | 1 |
0127 | Word Ladder | Hard | 09-19-2022 | 1 |
0128 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | Medium | 09-19-2022 | 1 |
0130 | Surrounded Regions | Medium | 09-19-2022 | 1 |